Zero Escape Wiki
Zero Escape Wiki

Honey Pie Honey Pie 15 June 2016

A year of ZE. The eclipse is near.

So, it was around the beginning of July 2015 that I really got into Zero Escape when I finlly finished 999, and how incredibly great of an experience that was in so many ways. It was around Halloween when I completed VLR, and that just ripped me open and made me desperate to play Zero Time Dilemma, which fortunately in the time that I finished the game, it had already been announced. I can't imagine the pain others have felt who played VLR back in 2012, but all the ones who helped Operation Bluebird, Save Zero Escape and the Zero Escape 3 Project deserve commending for what they have done to revive this finale; not only am I thankful to them for it but I am not at all surprised that people want this game so badly, because somehow Uchikoshi…

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Honey Pie Honey Pie 22 February 2016

Finally ordered a cart for 999

Used a flashcart to play both ZE titles, and now got the ZE Edition of 999 since I managed to get a 15 buck free shipping order of it on Ebay. Better prepare for my 2nd replay!

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Honey Pie Honey Pie 12 November 2015

They should and may release ZTD in JUNE!

Summer 2016, and i also heard from an article that it will be released the first half of 2016. That would make sense for it to be June because of it being the 6th month and when summer starts, but also because of June the all important character! I think this will happen xD.

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Honey Pie Honey Pie 12 September 2015

Diana may have been someone in the first Nonary Game! (Spoilers)

This may have been covered alreayd, I don't know, in fact I just completed Virtue Last Reward tonight and learmed about who Aksys said Diana was. I was reading about how because the woman in the chinese experiment looked like Luna, it may have been Diana presented there.

Then I notice who else looks like her:

[Nonary Game Kids (Recievers)]

Girl second most right, of course. Thoughts?

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