Zero Escape Wiki

Door 5.

Door 5

Door 5 opens by Junpei, Snake and Seven.

Door 5 is a numbered door with Door 4 on its right. It is located on B Deck. Door 5 leads to the 1st class cabin and casino.


Door 5 was one of two numbered doors the group first encountered. It was a sturdy, metallic double-door, seemingly heavily bolted. There was a pair of handles protruding from the center. Santa and Seven attempt to pull open the door, but were unsuccessful.

After a brief introduction of all the characters, the 9th Man held Clover hostage with a pocketknife, and with Ace's help (4+1+9 =14 =1+4 =5), opened Door 5 and entered it alone. Upon finding that the DEAD would not stop his bracelet, the 9th Man cried for help, which ultimately, was not possible. 81 seconds later, he died behind Door 5 by the bomb in his gut.


The 9th Man's blood behind Door 5.

The group opened the door without entering to inspect what happened, and everyone except Snake were shocked about what they saw and June broke down crying. After a lengthy explanation, the group finally decided to enter the numbered doors.

Digital Roots[]

In order for Junpei to enter Door 5, the group must first reorganize itself.

Entering Door 5 would group Seven and Snake with Junpei for Door 5, while Ace, Santa, Clover, June and Lotus enter Door 4. When Junpei chooses Door 4, Snake, Ace, Seven, and Clover go through Door 5 and Junpei, June, Santa, and Lotus go through Door 4.

Behind Door 5[]


The main entryway found behind Door 5.

Behind Door 5 was the blown up body of the 9th Man and his bracelet. The explosion coated a portion of the hallway behind Door 5 in blood, causing everyone but Snake to hesitate to enter the door.

Upon entering, the DEAD could be found close by to the door within easy reach. The hallway behind Door 5 was short, and ended in a thick iron plate that blocked off the path. There was only a single door to the left of the hall. This led to the 1st class cabin.

v · e · d Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (series spoilers within)
Main focus: Second Nonary Game
Main characters (players) Junpei (playable) · Ace · Snake · Santa · Clover · Akane Kurashiki · Seven · Lotus · Ninth man
Other characters Zero (game host) · Alice · Funyarinpa · "Cap" · "Guy X" · Science Boy
Mentioned characters All-ice · Dashiell Gordain · Ennea and Nona Kashiwabara · Ichiro · Kurashiki parents
Doors & Escape Rooms 3rd class cabin · Door 1 (Chart room and Captain's Quarters) · Door 2 (Confinement room and Torture room) · Door 3 (Shower room) · Door 4 (2nd class cabin and Kitchen) · Door 5 (1st class cabin and Casino) · Door 6 (Steam engine room and Cargo room) · Door 7 (Operating room) · Door 8 (Laboratory) · Small Door 9 (Library, Study, Incinerator) · Large Door 9 (Incinerator) · Door q (exit)
Other locations Building Q (main location) · Junpei's apartment · Central Staircase · Chapel · Earth · Elevator · Gigantic · Large hospital room · Nevada · Storage
Game mechanics Bracelet · Calculator · Digital root · Numbered Doors · Planet Keys · RED and DEAD
Terms Bootstrap paradox · Cradle Pharmaceutical · Crash Keys · Esper · First Nonary Game · FLOW Chart · Free the Soul · Ganzfeld Experiment · Luminol · Map · Morphogenetic field · Nonary Game · Soporil
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